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Some Questions and Answers
*Howard M. Lenhoff, Executive Vice President
Williams Syndrome Foundation, and
Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-2300
A gene for elastin is missing: Dr. Colleen Morris of the University of
Nevada and her coworkers at the University of Utah discovered that all
individuals with Williams syndrome tested lacked a small piece of one of
their two chromosomes called Chromosome # 7 [NOTE: Our chromosomes come
in pairs, one from each parent]. In individuals without WS both of their
chromosome # 7s were intact. One of the genes in the missing piece of
chromosome #7 was identified as the gene for making elastin. In the
following, I try to answer some of the questions that you may have
regarding genes, elastin, and the consequences of this discovery for
your children.
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